"In The Begining" -- Nanny Frankie

Almost every woman on the planet dreams of finding her perfect partner in life and of course the family that follows. Let's not bother with all the exceptions that of course exist and concetrate on the mainstream. Having a baby is the most amazing highlight of our life as a woman. Did any of us realize what an emotional roller coaster bringing this little one into the world was all about?
Seeing the baby for the first time -- WOW !
In my day the pregnancy was just a fact. WOW! I'm pregnant! We visited a doctor every month and tried to eat right and take common sense care of ourselves. If all went well the baby arrived halthy and we began our journey as a mother.

The technology today is mind boggling! My grandchildren were born under the scruteny of timing and tests that kept me (savta) in a state of constant worry and anxiety. The mothers in today's world of "know it all" is of course a safe and informed way of tracking the nine months of pregnancy in every detail. Is it a better way? How can anyone disagree that knowledge is power? What about the element of surprise? It's a girl! It's a boy! Today's technology may tell us all. All the good - all the bad and even show us the difference. Any thoughts? See ya next time -- Nanny Frankie
