Melancholy Beautiful Tel Aviv Sunset

Vivid moody colors cover Tel Aviv's evening skyline - Are we seeing what the mood wants?

Sometimes we feel melancholy yet not sure why. But most times, melancholy comes clearly with real life experience. The last week in Tel Aviv, this is how we felt. A violent terrorism attack opened out week. Then a terrifying three day fruitless manhunt. Parent too fearful to send kids to school (some N. Tel Aviv neighborhood with 50% attendance). Security officials, searching aimlessly close to the incident, are as lost for words as long time residents. Tel Aviv, a city with pride in it's tolerance and modern ways, has turned into a hiding terrorist haven. Israel, a state with fluid transportation arteries, built to move millions easily, has turned into a security manhunt nightmare. So we take comfort in the beautiful colors of a sunset. And at least for this week, hope for quiet, peace and maybe a little understanding. Even if it comes from a place we have not expected (France & India, more on this at later posts).
