
Showing posts with the label Lifestyle

Start-up Attraction: ScaleIO and Alvarion: Two Different Tech Exits

The Noisy Israeli: Shouting and Screaming In Daily Life

Luxury Homes in Green: Gardens and Parks (in the city)

Lots of Noise, Always Changing, Fast & Furious

Israel 62nd Independence Day: Pictures from the Beach

Israeli Reading Habits: Foreign Books in Translation

Secular Bar Mitzvah: a 13th Year Rite of Passege

Israel's Social Media: Different Strokes for Different Folks

Israel's Mad Scientists: Business Hackers, Programmer Bloggers, Recruiting Networkers

Retirement In Tel Aviv (Part 3): Getting Artistic at 70: serious crafts & arts

Tel Aviv Travel - Saturday Afternoon in a Quiet Cafe

Rest in the City - Lots of Good Coffee and Nice Cafes

Retire in Tel Aviv: lifestyle, weather, and Mediterranean culture: