Retirement In Tel Aviv (Part 3): Getting Artistic at 70: serious crafts & arts
Yes, it's suppose to be "arts and crafts" but in case of retirement in Tel Aviv it's crafts first then arts. One of the pleasures of retiring healthy is freedom to do what you like. Creating with your own hands is one of these pleasures. Mastering your craft then exhibiting your work takes the right environment, appreciation of people close to you and personal commitment. It also takes appreciation of art by the community. It helps to collaborate with other artists. All these are here in Tel Aviv and the surrounding towns. In some towns retirees are leading exhibit and groups activities for everyone in the community, children and adults. They organize trips and gather to paint in local parks.

Last month (late November 2009) in the Givatay'im mall the local art group put on an exhibit. There were over 30 artists showing different styles from classic to experimental. Most of the pieces were oil paintings and clay sculptures with few small welded metal pieces. Tel Aviv and the surrounding towns have similar art exhibits by amateur artist organizations. For the most part the artists do not sell their creations. If you are interested in buying or selling you can contact the artists directly after the exhibits or come in the evenings when some of them are on hand. The group in this case is loosely organized for exhibits and networking. They gather for exhibits of their own and to see museum exhibits.
The love of crafts in Israel was associated with kibbutz life. It was the pastime of idealistic farmers and factory workers engaged in crafts in their spare time. Indeed most Israelis think of people doing all kind of things in evenings and weekends as coming from a kibbutz. But kibbutz life has lost it's idealism with this generation of less idealistic and more materialistic "children". City people use to go out hiking and to the beach on weekends, kibbutz people get a toolbox and a bag full of "stuff" and make something. The idea of retirees also associated with crafts is not new in Israel. What is new is the number of retirees from all over the world coming to retire in communities and on their own. If you are interested in crafts and retirement in Tel Aviv leave a comment.