Politics in the city: Tzipi Livni on Ahmadinejad in NY
Foreign minister Tzipi Livni proved today (24 Sept) that she is much more than just another pretty face when she attended the anti Ahmadinejad rally in New York. She showed she has the guts to stand with freedom loving people against those who want to destroy us.
The Iranian dictator of today is no different than his German predecessor. Hitler wrote and spoke his distorted opinions just as the present fascist in Iran. There is a conflict in Israel in how we should respond. There are even these in the foreign ministry who don't agree with Livni's up front honest approach. Some Israelis are afraid to stand up and say this mad man should not be honored by any civilized institution including Colombia University (in New York city).
This goes back 2,000 years of living in the diaspora, when Jews survived by mostly sticking their heads in the sand in face of controversy. Today we have our country and we don't have to hide from evil as we did in 1930's Germany. If Jews and the rest of the civilized world had confronted Hitler this way, the world would have been better for it.
The time has come when we Israelis should bind together with Jews and Christians around the world and face the threat to civilized society.
We Jews in Israel and the diaspora must face our demons and cast off the guilt that has hindered us in the past to face those who want to destroy us. Remember we are part of the solution, not the problem. If you want an example ask these countries around the world like Greece and Thailand, when in their time of tragedy, Israel was the first to respond with help.
Tzipi continue the fight against evil and help all cast off the demons of guilt. //sam-d-man