Reflection of an Oleh (new immigrant from Canada)
Editor's note: I see stories from people who just came or have been in Israel a few years all the time. Like the visitor who came here for a business trip, it seems like new visitors see things in a different light. This is a story from Ross, about what it feels to be here after a few years. Enjoy!
Olim off the plane (courtesy of Jacob Richman ~
The reason is that I have been told that I am more Israeli than Israeli is because I don't take crap here. If you'll be in big trouble!!! I will yell back at people, bang on the hood of a car that is about to hit me, and push my way in like everyone else does. Israelis have absolutely No qualms about asking (more like demanding) for discounts in stores and bitching that something is to expensive. Most of the time..they'll get it. I still love watching people yelling and threatening a police officer giving them a ticket because they did something illegal :) Only in Israel!!!! In this country..American manners get you absolutely no where outside of the places that cater and kiss the asses of tourists. The only ones who can adapt to the messed up system here quickly are the Russians. Since there are over one million here..they really maneuvered thru the system.
Getting married, a good reason to come to Israel (nefesh-b-nefesh -
On the flip side..if there is a car accident or, even worse, a suicide bomber..then everyone stops everything and tries to help out. Employees leave their shops and businesses to go and help. People will stand around the radio and listen to the news if anything happens. Every hour on the hour..people turn the news up on their radios to hear what is happening.
Not one Israeli (including me) has been untouched by what is happening around us and most know someone who has been killed or hurt in one of the wars or in a suicide bombing.
New roads + fast cars + hurried drivers = accidents
This is a country where salaries are low compared to the US and western Europe. However, everyone here acts like they have tons of money AKA credit. I'll explain it to you this way...88% of Israelis have passports and have been abroad. 75% have been abroad three or more times. That is opposed to only 8% of Americans having passports and having gone somewhere other than Canada or Mexico...places that you can drive to. Even though the number of Americans is greater than the number of Israelis, per capita, Israelis travel more than any other nationality in the world. The biggest problem here is that our salaries are much lower than in America, but the prices are pretty much the same as in America.
No matter what..Israelis dress extremely well (everything can be bought here and they buy it), have the latest gadgets, one or more cell phones, and every restaurant is packed. Every time you talk to someone..they're going somewhere. With the weather being nice pretty much ten months a year..people (at least in Tel Aviv) are always out and about.
One thing that I do miss is the bottomless cup of coffee. BUT hell will freeze over if I am going to sit in the lobby of the Hilton and get it there :)
You all wanna know somethin? I aint leavin this place!!!
Home is where the heart is and my heart has always been here!!!
For those of you who have been to already know this. For those of you who have not visited yet..remember these words.
You may leave Israel, but Israel will never leave you!!!

The reason is that I have been told that I am more Israeli than Israeli is because I don't take crap here. If you'll be in big trouble!!! I will yell back at people, bang on the hood of a car that is about to hit me, and push my way in like everyone else does. Israelis have absolutely No qualms about asking (more like demanding) for discounts in stores and bitching that something is to expensive. Most of the time..they'll get it. I still love watching people yelling and threatening a police officer giving them a ticket because they did something illegal :) Only in Israel!!!! In this country..American manners get you absolutely no where outside of the places that cater and kiss the asses of tourists. The only ones who can adapt to the messed up system here quickly are the Russians. Since there are over one million here..they really maneuvered thru the system.

On the flip side..if there is a car accident or, even worse, a suicide bomber..then everyone stops everything and tries to help out. Employees leave their shops and businesses to go and help. People will stand around the radio and listen to the news if anything happens. Every hour on the hour..people turn the news up on their radios to hear what is happening.
Not one Israeli (including me) has been untouched by what is happening around us and most know someone who has been killed or hurt in one of the wars or in a suicide bombing.

This is a country where salaries are low compared to the US and western Europe. However, everyone here acts like they have tons of money AKA credit. I'll explain it to you this way...88% of Israelis have passports and have been abroad. 75% have been abroad three or more times. That is opposed to only 8% of Americans having passports and having gone somewhere other than Canada or Mexico...places that you can drive to. Even though the number of Americans is greater than the number of Israelis, per capita, Israelis travel more than any other nationality in the world. The biggest problem here is that our salaries are much lower than in America, but the prices are pretty much the same as in America.
No matter what..Israelis dress extremely well (everything can be bought here and they buy it), have the latest gadgets, one or more cell phones, and every restaurant is packed. Every time you talk to someone..they're going somewhere. With the weather being nice pretty much ten months a year..people (at least in Tel Aviv) are always out and about.
One thing that I do miss is the bottomless cup of coffee. BUT hell will freeze over if I am going to sit in the lobby of the Hilton and get it there :)
You all wanna know somethin? I aint leavin this place!!!
Home is where the heart is and my heart has always been here!!!
For those of you who have been to already know this. For those of you who have not visited yet..remember these words.
You may leave Israel, but Israel will never leave you!!!