Sex in the city - adult performance (skip if you are a little prudish)
Sam-d-man in his younger days could get ready for sex with a great hard-on with the slightest of sexual stimulation. For you seniors we all remember those wonderful days and nights! But don't give up. there is help for all uf us, if we shed our shyness and learn to approach sex like we do politics. Talk about it, don't be embarrassed. You're not the only one. We all have the same problem, that hard-on that just popped-up now needs a little help. Remember you younger guys, sometimes you need a little help too!
Help is here with three drugs you may purchase at your local Kupat Cholim or drug store, they are Viagra, Leveitra and Cialis. All are somewhat subsidized by the national health service, which is more that can be said about other countries. The only hitch is you need a prescription from your doctor. Don't be so modest or embarrassed to discuss this situation with your doctor. My doctor is a very nice young lady. Sam-d-man swallowed his pride and explained to his doctor the problems I now had in getting a good erection and keeping it 'up'. She quickly checked my medical history and my medication and wrote me a script. THANK YOU DOC!
These medications may have some minor side effects and each are a bid different. Read and follow the directions in the box. Don't be modest, face your situation, talk to your doctor and don't let the doctor put you off. If your doctor doesn't want to talk about sex, get a new doctor. Have good sex - in the city (sam-d-man)
The base price for these prescriptions is about 350 to 500 shekels (eight pills). The pharmacy will adjust the retail price according to your health plan. If you belong to an upgraded plan they will probably discount these drugs about 50%. check your insurance with your health plan before you make the purchase.