The Nanny Interview - 5 Steps to Success
Editor: another great article in the nanny diaries by nanny Frankie ;-)
First impressions are one of the strongest ingridients for a successful ending between you, parents, and child. Does it sound like a recipe? It is a chemistry that explodes into success or explodes into "seeya letah". It is not an easy task to enter the home of a stranger and leave the home a needed and wanted employee. You must be prepared to look and sound confident and intelligent. They do not expect a rocket scientist. They expect a happy, loving, and enthusiastic individual to look after their child as if that child was your very own. There are 5 steps to climb to achieve this goal.
1) Appearance:
Present yourself on time and looking your best. No heavy make up. No dirty hair or messy cloths. No bad smells or food between your teeth! BE CLEAN, sweet, happy, and act glad to be there.
2) Meeting the child:
Do not "grab" for the baby. (if your mom is still pregnand simply ask how she is feeling and how wonderful she looks). Most interviews take place when the baby is very new. Show great interest, smile a lot, but do not push yourself too strong. If mommy wants you to hold their baby - do not refuse, please wash your hands first. Support the child's head and be confident about how you hold a new born. The impression of good hygene goes a long way.
Nanny interview... a great way to start!
3) Experience and Life Saving Skills:
Be prepared to answer questions about your experience. Be enthusiastic about your love of children. Have some knowledge about child development. Education can come from a paperback book or the net or from your own life experience. Just a little information can again make a successful impression. A course in C.P.R. is a MUST. A nanny must be able to do everything possible to save a child's life. The courses are available and not at all difficult. Everyone on the planet should have these skills!
4) Trust and Expectations:
Parents need to trust you not only with their child but with their home as well. Show them you are trustworthy, honest, and will keep "things" clean and in order. Do they expect more than childcare? Be sure to discuss what is expected of you. Some families are very organized and neat and some are, well? NOT! Be nice, but discuss the rules before the game starts. (Cooking, Laundry? Ironing? Dishes? Light housework, or just children.)
5) Salary Last - LAST - L A S T ! ! !
You are "on a roll". You look great, sound amazing and chemistry is on fire. They seem to like you and you feel good about them. The child is so sweet and already under your skin. The trust between you seems solid and now comes the $64,000 question. How much do you charge? Tip for the day! What is the average salary in this area? One only has to visit the area gardens BEFORE you interview and simply ask the nannies before hand. You will get a pretty good idea.
DO NOT SELL YOURSELF SHORT and don't be unreachable. Your recommendations and reputation can really help you achieve the salary you deserve. Again, educate yourself before you enter an agreement or contract. Don't forget hours, insurance, pensions, vacation time. The more you know all laws covering your work the better. The AACI can help answer any of these questions. Any lawyer and government agency will also have answers.
Good luck! Wishing you all the best! Any questions? -- e-Mail Frankie the nanny.
P.S. Did NOT like this family? Say thank your - Bye Bye - Be Nice -- TRY AGAIN!!
First impressions are one of the strongest ingridients for a successful ending between you, parents, and child. Does it sound like a recipe? It is a chemistry that explodes into success or explodes into "seeya letah". It is not an easy task to enter the home of a stranger and leave the home a needed and wanted employee. You must be prepared to look and sound confident and intelligent. They do not expect a rocket scientist. They expect a happy, loving, and enthusiastic individual to look after their child as if that child was your very own. There are 5 steps to climb to achieve this goal.
1) Appearance:
Present yourself on time and looking your best. No heavy make up. No dirty hair or messy cloths. No bad smells or food between your teeth! BE CLEAN, sweet, happy, and act glad to be there.
2) Meeting the child:
Do not "grab" for the baby. (if your mom is still pregnand simply ask how she is feeling and how wonderful she looks). Most interviews take place when the baby is very new. Show great interest, smile a lot, but do not push yourself too strong. If mommy wants you to hold their baby - do not refuse, please wash your hands first. Support the child's head and be confident about how you hold a new born. The impression of good hygene goes a long way.

3) Experience and Life Saving Skills:
Be prepared to answer questions about your experience. Be enthusiastic about your love of children. Have some knowledge about child development. Education can come from a paperback book or the net or from your own life experience. Just a little information can again make a successful impression. A course in C.P.R. is a MUST. A nanny must be able to do everything possible to save a child's life. The courses are available and not at all difficult. Everyone on the planet should have these skills!
4) Trust and Expectations:
Parents need to trust you not only with their child but with their home as well. Show them you are trustworthy, honest, and will keep "things" clean and in order. Do they expect more than childcare? Be sure to discuss what is expected of you. Some families are very organized and neat and some are, well? NOT! Be nice, but discuss the rules before the game starts. (Cooking, Laundry? Ironing? Dishes? Light housework, or just children.)
5) Salary Last - LAST - L A S T ! ! !
You are "on a roll". You look great, sound amazing and chemistry is on fire. They seem to like you and you feel good about them. The child is so sweet and already under your skin. The trust between you seems solid and now comes the $64,000 question. How much do you charge? Tip for the day! What is the average salary in this area? One only has to visit the area gardens BEFORE you interview and simply ask the nannies before hand. You will get a pretty good idea.
DO NOT SELL YOURSELF SHORT and don't be unreachable. Your recommendations and reputation can really help you achieve the salary you deserve. Again, educate yourself before you enter an agreement or contract. Don't forget hours, insurance, pensions, vacation time. The more you know all laws covering your work the better. The AACI can help answer any of these questions. Any lawyer and government agency will also have answers.
Good luck! Wishing you all the best! Any questions? -- e-Mail Frankie the nanny.
P.S. Did NOT like this family? Say thank your - Bye Bye - Be Nice -- TRY AGAIN!!