Pictures from around the city - Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel Aviv has a surprising variety of things to look at. Lots of people ask me what you see when you are looking around. So here are a few pictures of all kind of things...
Synagogue sign, Yehosua Ben-Noon street
The streets of the city look different from hour to hour. Busy streets are virtually abandoned - fashionable cafes turn to ghost palaces...
Quiet Bugrashov cafe in mid-day, it will be hard to find a seat come 11:00 PM!
Young artists come in all forms and shapes. Tel Aviv has the blend of street art, classical art, and even religious and antique art. Here is a little of the street art.
Graffiti off Bugrashov Street. Hip stores lend their windows as canvas.
Quiet streets full of shade are abandoned on hot summer days. On Friday evening Chev (Haim Nachman // Bialik) Street will be full of family strollers pushing babies along.
Empty Chen Boulevard on a hot summer morning
Protest, solidarity, political activism is a daily part of Tel Aviv. But with a city which has every type of religion and political view, most gatherings are not that exciting.
Protest-Solidarity for the Sderot bombings (February 2008)

The streets of the city look different from hour to hour. Busy streets are virtually abandoned - fashionable cafes turn to ghost palaces...

Young artists come in all forms and shapes. Tel Aviv has the blend of street art, classical art, and even religious and antique art. Here is a little of the street art.

Quiet streets full of shade are abandoned on hot summer days. On Friday evening Chev (Haim Nachman // Bialik) Street will be full of family strollers pushing babies along.

Protest, solidarity, political activism is a daily part of Tel Aviv. But with a city which has every type of religion and political view, most gatherings are not that exciting.
