IBM Haifa Research Lab

IBM has kept the research labs around the world going by directing them to more practical research in areas where IBM can develop a business. Researchers sometimes do not know where their work is going to end up. From past experience, it also seems that the researchers and the companies funding the work are not the biggest beneficiaries from the work. IBM seems to think that there is a way to change this. There are many areas in IT and computing where IBM's past leadership can direct future work. There are also new directions which IBM can use it's unique position in developing large systems and collaborating on a global scale.
Israel is one of the centers for technology research and development. Companies like IBM, Intel, Microsoft are aware of the high caliber technologist coming from Universities in Israel. While Israel is a small country in comparison to India, China and the US, there are still good number of people to tap for innovation and research. Like other business efforts in technology, research is not a sure thing. You have to take a chance, make and effort and hope that the work will yield something good - IBM thinks this is a worth while effort and they are doing it again and longer than others. If you are interested in the Haifa seminars, take a look at their web site and keep track of upcoming talks.