Pictures of Tel Aviv - Park on Derech Ha'shalom / September '09

End of summer and beginning of the school year. Park lawns are dry. Israel has been conserving water this summer, the trees are fine for the most part. In the parks maintained by the city, trees and bushes are irrigated with drip systems. Lawn irrigation is not allowed, you see it in some private homes once in a while. Tel Aviv maintains parks in residential areas. Wolfson park on Derech Ha'shalom (road of peace) is one of the bigger parks in this part of town. Just at the border of Givatayim on the eastern side of the city. The park is well maintained and serves the local residents. This summer was not terribly hot, the bushes and trees seem to have survived. The main grass section in the middle of the park has not been watered for two or three months. Now it is completely dry.

כל הכבוד!