
Showing posts from 2016

Crane Migration Through Israel

Winter Cranes in Hula Bird Sanctuary

Hula Bird Sanctuary: in for the winter

Sarona Park: Summer Music Memories

Sarona Market: Boutique Eateries and Shopping

Autism Fund Raiser in Barby Tel Aviv

Haifa, an alternative to Tel Aviv?

Night Time Construction

A Trip to Haifa

On The Way to Jerusalem

Secrets in Plain Sight: Israel's Security Secrets in Books

Zionism in Israel: Herzl's Idealism with Fresh Thinking

Wedding in Ha'Sharon Kibbutz

Tel Aviv's Attraction for Millennials

Daniella Lehavi and Luxury Shopping in Tel Aviv

Spending Less on Israel's Independence Day Cellebrations

Cracking Down on Electric Bicycles

Weekend Life in Startup City (Tel Aviv and Surroundings)

Investing in "Lifestyle": Showing Up Everywhere

Spring in Israel (2016 season)

Shopping Still Strong in Israel

Tel Aviv Beach end of February 2016

Alcohol Drink Mix in Montifiore Cafe

Tel Aviv Sunset

Live on a Green Street

Look for the Shnitzel & Fries

Live Where the Burgers are Served

Comfortable Safe Haven: Cafes, Shops, Malls, Parks, Beaches

Pressure Cooker in Everyday Life: Stress on the Job

Israel's Individuality Dilemma: Unique or Global?

Tel Aviv Up and Moving

Fragile Israeli Confidence or Real Secure Feeling?

Melancholy Beautiful Tel Aviv Sunset

Je Suis Paris ~ Je Suis Tel Aviv

Gawkers, Ignorers & Mourners

3 days, 2 dead, 1 killer

A Few Boulders & A Shallow Rainwater Pool

2016 New Year's Celebration - Faded Quickly

Winter Weather: If You Can Stand the Summer, You Deserve...

Rainbow over Israel