Hula Bird Sanctuary: in for the winter

Pelicans migrate through Israel in the early fall and spring. By September and October they are usually settled here or gone to the Nile delta in Egypt or further south in Ethiopia and eastern Africa. Israeli wildlife authorities and the state's agriculture department manage the Hula bird sanctuary. Actually the direct management is done by the Keran Kayement Le'Israel (KKL - JNF) who owns the land proper.
With other organizations they feed and care for migrating birds. This assures the birds stay in a few protected locations. It also assures the birds are attracted to managed feeding locations and are not going to eat seeds and budding plants in surrounding farms. The Hula bird sanctuary is Israel's biggest bird sanctuary. It is known for the migrating cranes and pelicans. During migration seasons (fall and spring) cranes and pelicans stop here in the tens of thousands. The sky around Hula fills with sedges of cranes and squadrons of pelicans, quacking is heard for miles away. In winter months a few thousand cranes also make their home here. During the winter months less visitors come to Hula. This makes for a wonderful quiet place to come and see these amazing cranes. There are small ponds with ducks. The few birds of pray circle around looking for small cranes and ducks to catch. The bird sanctuary has three covered observation huts maned with guides to explain and point out the birds' activities. Come to see the beautiful nature and be amazed by the birds.
