Hip, cool, fun part of town: Bugrashov from Dizengof to Ben Yehuda
There is a little corner of Tel Aviv for the hip-cool-fun crowd. Sometimes young and sometimes just in need of a funky bag or cool pants. Maybe even a different place to sit and have coffee before a movie. If you want to see cool Israeli and international designs, if you need a gift for a teenager and you don't think the mall will do the trick, head over to Bugrashov. The section between Dizengoff and Ben Yehuda is buzzing with designs, accessories, cloths and other fun things. The cutting edge fashion is this street's day image. At night it turns into a cool and quiet place to meet and have a bite. The most interesting thing about this street is it's laid-back attitude. Other places in town "try" to be something or other. You will find that on Shenkin street, off Allemby. There, they want you to think it's the "center" of fashion. Here, on Bugrashov, they don't pretend, they just go about doing it.
About half of the stores are devoted to cloths and accessories. Some are local creation by young Israeli designers. So keep your eye open and you may find a bag only you will have. The rest of the stores are a collection of all kind of things. There are hardware stores with interesting accessories for the home. There are shoe stores with unique imported designs. There is also an outdoor equipment store where you can find a tent and even a mate for trekking through Asia. For the most part the area is for the 20 and 30 something crowd. Even the known international tags like Nike have a few things on the 'street', but they would not fit the traditional suburban mall.
This street is more for browsing and window shopping than just "get it done" shopping. The stores here proud themselves on unique designs that are not run-of-the-mill. So don't be afraid to try something and walk out. Also, speak with the ladies running the stores, they usually know what the 'street' has and who specialized in a unique design. Walking down the street I just noticed a new Crumpler bag store, this is a funky Australian company with a funny logo that has taken the laptop computer bag world by storm. This kind of store definitely fits here, it's "corporate" but "funky" at the same time.
If you want to hang out, or watch some of Israel's cool-hip young set, come here at night... but that's another story all together!