The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round ~ or do they?
The bus takes me to my job every morning as I engage in my nanny duties, with great pleasure and dedication. It is necessary for me to travel an hour or even longer each day (each way!) This makes for a very early rise and along and late ride home. There are no complaints here. I love being a nanny but the getting there and back is a story worth telling. I have prayed for Mary Poppins' Umbrella on more than one occasion!
A new company with brand new shiny vehicles have brought "better" service to the area of Givat Shmuel since August of 2007. The fairy tale ends the first day as the bus arrives at 7:00 AM and speeds down Jabotinsky as usual. The bus does not make its usual turn into B'nei B'rak (remember that story? and the first one?) but continues straight as 6 or 7 of us jump up and ask for an explanation. We get the story of a new bus route as of today and the 69 bus will no longer go through B'nai B'rak!! What about Givat Shmuel? "Its OK - Its OK, says the bus driver - everyone will be fine". It seems the Hebrew explanation is not good enough for Hebrew speakers and we all exit the but. The explanation was so simple, but the driver "from hell" just kept his secret. The bus uses the highway behind B'nai B'rak and exits off by Givat Shmuel and everything is OK. We poor uninformed passengers waited for another 69 bus which of course never showed up or would never show up again in B'nai B'rak. A small notice of the change would have been so nice. Hello new company!
New buses for Frankie
The wheels on the bus continue to go 'round and 'round and the next day we all found our way to our jobs on time. The secret was out. The company has a completely new route but the passengers find out by accident and stress! The wheels turn every 1/2 hour. This is acceptable but of course not dependable. The drivers "from hell" have a very difficult way of telling time and being late by 45 minutes is not unusual.
The driver I meet with every day suffers from road rage! How is that possible you ask? A bus driver is calm, patient, a trained excellent professional. WRONG!!
This man is on a mission of upside-down wheels. He cuts in and out of traffic, pays little attention to the comforts of his passengers and lays on the horn way too much. He resents having to stop to pick up people and many times just does not do that. No way you say!? I have been left waiting at a stop numerous times. I have seen people running to the bus and just ignored. YES WAY!
The "driver from hell" also enjoys a chat with a friendly passenger quite often. The manor women stand by his side as they solve "the world's problems" as the rest of us sit white knuckled waiting for the driver to peek at the road. I swear this is the case.
The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round in this manner any way, while all the complaints seem to change nothing!! This morning "the driver from hell" pulled his most amazing childish feat to date. One woman entered the bus and apparently had no money for payment. She was a young woman and was trying to explain a late payment but I was not certain. The next thing we know the driver and this woman were yelling at each other. The driver insisted she leave the bus and she would not! He stopped the bus and screamed at her to exit. She refused and the rest of us were in a state of shock. The woman screamed back and the wheels on the bus did NOT GO 'round and 'round! Was he going to leave this bus? Scary as another passenger gave the young woman her punch pass to use, but "the driver from hell" refused to allow her to use it. The screaming continued and the bus stayed by the curb for five minutes until he finally gave in and punched the hole in the pass. The young woman sat down, the driver turned the bus on, and away we went. This was just another ride to work for me. My main concern was the temper of "Mr. driver from hell" would he pick up anyone else? Would he actually stop at my stop? Was he wrong?!
Two stops later the pennyless woman came up to the punch card donor and GAVE HER money for the ride! WHAT WAS THAT?!?!
I have two more months to deal with "the driver from hell". My new job is much closer to my home and I have alternative bus routes to get me there. I hope we all live that long and the wheels keep on turning. Mary Poppins may I PLEASE borrow your umbrella for two months???
//from our roving reporter, once again -- thanks Frankie //the Editor
A new company with brand new shiny vehicles have brought "better" service to the area of Givat Shmuel since August of 2007. The fairy tale ends the first day as the bus arrives at 7:00 AM and speeds down Jabotinsky as usual. The bus does not make its usual turn into B'nei B'rak (remember that story? and the first one?) but continues straight as 6 or 7 of us jump up and ask for an explanation. We get the story of a new bus route as of today and the 69 bus will no longer go through B'nai B'rak!! What about Givat Shmuel? "Its OK - Its OK, says the bus driver - everyone will be fine". It seems the Hebrew explanation is not good enough for Hebrew speakers and we all exit the but. The explanation was so simple, but the driver "from hell" just kept his secret. The bus uses the highway behind B'nai B'rak and exits off by Givat Shmuel and everything is OK. We poor uninformed passengers waited for another 69 bus which of course never showed up or would never show up again in B'nai B'rak. A small notice of the change would have been so nice. Hello new company!
The wheels on the bus continue to go 'round and 'round and the next day we all found our way to our jobs on time. The secret was out. The company has a completely new route but the passengers find out by accident and stress! The wheels turn every 1/2 hour. This is acceptable but of course not dependable. The drivers "from hell" have a very difficult way of telling time and being late by 45 minutes is not unusual.
The driver I meet with every day suffers from road rage! How is that possible you ask? A bus driver is calm, patient, a trained excellent professional. WRONG!!
This man is on a mission of upside-down wheels. He cuts in and out of traffic, pays little attention to the comforts of his passengers and lays on the horn way too much. He resents having to stop to pick up people and many times just does not do that. No way you say!? I have been left waiting at a stop numerous times. I have seen people running to the bus and just ignored. YES WAY!
The "driver from hell" also enjoys a chat with a friendly passenger quite often. The manor women stand by his side as they solve "the world's problems" as the rest of us sit white knuckled waiting for the driver to peek at the road. I swear this is the case.
The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round in this manner any way, while all the complaints seem to change nothing!! This morning "the driver from hell" pulled his most amazing childish feat to date. One woman entered the bus and apparently had no money for payment. She was a young woman and was trying to explain a late payment but I was not certain. The next thing we know the driver and this woman were yelling at each other. The driver insisted she leave the bus and she would not! He stopped the bus and screamed at her to exit. She refused and the rest of us were in a state of shock. The woman screamed back and the wheels on the bus did NOT GO 'round and 'round! Was he going to leave this bus? Scary as another passenger gave the young woman her punch pass to use, but "the driver from hell" refused to allow her to use it. The screaming continued and the bus stayed by the curb for five minutes until he finally gave in and punched the hole in the pass. The young woman sat down, the driver turned the bus on, and away we went. This was just another ride to work for me. My main concern was the temper of "Mr. driver from hell" would he pick up anyone else? Would he actually stop at my stop? Was he wrong?!
Two stops later the pennyless woman came up to the punch card donor and GAVE HER money for the ride! WHAT WAS THAT?!?!
I have two more months to deal with "the driver from hell". My new job is much closer to my home and I have alternative bus routes to get me there. I hope we all live that long and the wheels keep on turning. Mary Poppins may I PLEASE borrow your umbrella for two months???
//from our roving reporter, once again -- thanks Frankie //the Editor