Life in a GREAT City - This is an UPPER, ditch the downers

Every morning I go to my mail box to get my morning paper. It's 6:15 AM, I kiss my wife goodbye and reach for my Jerusalem Post. I say to myself, "now I will read how the sky is falling". Unfortunately the daily alert is not the only "Daily Gevalt." there is CNN, BBC, ABC, NBC and CBS among others.
Editor: The 'Daily Gevalt' is a regular column in the Jerusalem post. This is what sam-D-man is writing here about.
The media only know the 'I Gevalts' you write in your article. The blog ( has it's I's, but these are 'I Tovs'. Tel Aviv which is a microcosm for the country has plenty of positive. There is grand opera, concerts, plays, movies, a cafe society, restaurants, high fashion, beautiful women, hot bars, good clubs, and hot sex. This country also offers a sound economy (5% growth the last year), low inflation, and goods from all over the world at reasonable prices. Sorry we have 10 Tovs (good things in Hebrew / Yiddish) maybe 11, you may also visit our wet lands (which are being re-flooded in an effort to make Israel a more ecologically sustainable environment).
We have the most beautiful beaches with the neatest developed ports in the world. You won't get in trouble for naming your teddy bear. Israel has a first world legal system. Our tourists stay in first class hotels. We offer a great outdoors of parks, nature reserves, amusement parks, and other place to explore. Everybody know about the religious stuff - now let's join together and tell everybody the rest of the "stuff". There will be peace in our time, look us up and tell your friends. Love your country Israel we're here for you...
-- sam-D-man @ TLV