Sam-D-man on Livni and religious politics

Tzipi Livni the hopefully next prime minister of Israel, not withstanding the childish efforts by the ultra-orthodox to stick their heads with black hats in the sand and ignore her, is the great hope of our great country. Ultra-orthodox newspapers do not publish her picture (editor: women are rarely photographed and displayed in the ultra-orthodox publications) and refuse to print her full name.
This young woman (50) who easily moves among the shakers and bakers of the world, understands more about what makes this country tick and makes the world go around. The days of saying 'NO, NO, NO' to our neighbours and the Palestinians and 'YES, YES, YES' to the orthodox right wing and the west bank settlers and today's zealots are over. These right wing zealots ruined the country 2,000 years ago and they are hell bent to do it again.
Tzipi Livni with support of the Israeli public's common sense is about to put an end to this self destructive behavior. We have two (2) roads to take, one is to figure out how to create a two state solution. The other is the one state for two people with full democratic rights to all the people.
Now we know the zealots and the orthodox will say 'NO, NO, NO'. If we don't solve this problem equitably we will be faced with the worst of all problems. We will have to rule the West Bank and Gaza in an apartheid type system. The world will not sit back and let us get away with this. Sanctions and boycotts will follow and ruin our thriving economy, the growing tourism, and our secular Jewish way of life.
If the right wing zealots and ultra-orthodox can't live with it, I would suggest that they find another country. Many in these groups are Americans, they can go home. This country must be saved, so either love it or leave it. The time has come when we can no longer pander to these selfish groups. Our country can thrive with them or without them.
Tzipi, take control and move us into the 21st century. With your leadership you will lead us to an empire that will last 1,000 years - and not in a diaspora!
Good Luck TZIPI!
sam-D-man ~ in Tel Aviv
editor: sam-D is commenting on the long negotiations between Livni and Ishai the leader of the orthodox political party Shas. With the departure of Olmert and the building of a new coalition, Ishai wants an increase in the social subsidies to large families (mostly orthodox religious). There is also a flare-up of renegade settlements in the west bank. These are right wing groups that seem to be operating independently.
Really liked your comment about Zippi Livni who will lead you into a thousand year empire.
In fact, we hoped the same and it lasted only twelve years.
Do you have already an idea who should be crowned Emperor/Empress of Israel??
Make a post about this and keep me informed.
Say, you have a one state solution now. Go forward a few years, and the J-I ratio will change from approximately 1:1 now to possibly 1:2 or 1:2.5 in 30 years.